2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog | 20263
Technology, Art and Design - Design Courses
All Technology, Art and Design - Design Courses
TADD 4867 Advanced Studio Practice (2 credits)
This Studio-based course is project-based. This format is grounded in sound adult learning theory (andragogy) and is often more popular with students than traditional lecture-based format. In this course, students will work on a complex and demanding project for the entire semester or predetermined timeline. The goal of this course is for students to explore an advanced topic of personal interest. The student will guide much of the coursework and the direction of the project. Therefore, this format requires students to take responsibility for their learning and their time. The course facilitator is there to help students start the project, provide essential resources, and be on hand as a resource for students to use. The course facilitator is a mentor in the process, acting as a learning guide, not an authority. Course is repeatable for up to 12 credits. Prerequisite(s): TAD Common Core or instructor consent.
Common Course Outline